
EDLINGTON - Burning Man EP

Pearls For Pigs/KNM
EDLINGTON - Burning Man EP (Pearls For Pigs/KNM)

EDLINGTON "Burning Man EP"

The "Burning Man EP" by EDLINGTON contains three brandnew techhouse clubtraxx .a combination of classic styles like in former track "french kiss" - with very hooky mouse style vocals ("I Say Hey") or the filter passage house track with dark male vocals and pumping beats ("More Than Nothin'") will be excellent dancefloor killers as well as "Bora Bora", a techhouse tune dedicated to legendary IBIZA beachparties at the famous "bora bora beach". "Burning Man EP" written , composed and performed by EDLINGTON in september 2020.

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Pearls For Pigs


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